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When my middle daughter Rebekah was about 2 years old one day she looked up at me and pointing to herself stated, “I Princess.” I smiled and responded in the affirmative that yes indeed she was a Princess and she always would be.
I have to admit that hearing her sweet and precious statement made my mother’s heart happy, because I have always told my daughters that they ARE Princesses and most importantly, to believe in the power of Princesses and as one, their own ability to do do great things.
Rebekah just turned eight years old this year. She is an amazing little girl with a big heart. She is strong, kind, fair, smart and good. She plays soccer, softball, likes star gazing on the trampoline, butterfly watching, dress up, dancing in the kitchen with her Dad and of course she loves all of the Disney Princesses!
As a young girl I too loved Disney Princesses and in fact I still do. The unique story of each Disney Princess demonstrates kindness, courage, bravery and shares a powerful and positive messages to all girls that they can be anything they want to be and even further inspires all Princesses everywhere to never stop dreaming big. I remember watching my little Princess’s eyes light up as she was introduced to Aurora, Belle, Cinderella and all the rest of the Princesses for the first time. Each of those moments were true magic!
Just like the magic that happens when you and your Princess step foot into the Disney Princess aisle at Toys “R” Us! Seeing her friends Merida, Mulan, Tiana and all of the other Princesses can help to inspire your Princess to dream big.
For a Princess, Toys “R” Us provides an opportunity to connect, explore and shop for fabulous Disney Princess fare, including exclusive option items that are perfect for inspiring a Princess’s BIG dreams! Exclusive items like the Jakks Pacific’s Disney Princess Sing & Shimmer Dolls. All eleven of the Princesses are available in the Sing & Shimmer line, so you can pick a favorite Princesses or pick one of each!
One press to Jasmine’s jeweled necklace and my little Princess was singing along to a “Whole New World”. If truth be told, so was I. Rebekah was also thrilled with the shimmering and glitter accents on Jasmine’s outfit that she said, “looked just like Jasmine’s movie outfit”! Plus the shoes on the Princesses can come off AND on. That was a big hit with my little Princess!
Now take a look at this fantastic Little Kingdom Ariel’s Sea Castle! If you are looking to inspire your Princess this will do it. Listening to the stories my little Princess has created as I have watched her play with it is magical. Rebekah’s favorite things about Ariel’s castle are the following; 1) Ariel can slide, swing, and get strapped into the seaweed harness! 2) She is co cute, but she can sit or stand! (Ariel is about 3 inches tall) 3) Ariel comes with 5 Snap-ins and has a a WAY cool storage compartment for more! 4) Ariel can play with her other Princess friends in the other Little Kingdom Sets!
I have always loved what Mr. Rogers said about play, “Play gives children a chance to practice what they are learning” and as a Princess my daughter is learning how to dream big and then how to see those dreams through.
Rebekah has a passion for helping. In fact some of her biggest dreams stem from her desire to help others. Recently, she heard that our local animal shelter would like some blankets for the animals and that got her mind to working. When she was a little baby she was gifted a flannel tie blanket and that blanket has been her constant companion since the day she received it and so she firmly believes that no animal or person should ever go without the warm comfort of a blanket! So off we went to our local fabric store to buy some flannel. She picked out two colors, because she wanted both the boy and girl animals to be able to pick their favorite lovey.
Making a flannel tie blanket is super simple!
All you need are a good pair of scissors and some flannel. Start with about a yard of flannel if you are making blankets for furry friends. You might be need 1 1/4 to 1 1 /2 yards for blankets intended for people.
Lay the flannel out on a flat surface and cut off any of the frayed or extra edging. Then go around the whole width of the flannel piece and cut about one to 2 inch long pieces.
Tie a knot on each of the pieces you cut and Voila, you have made a flannel tie blanket!
I love that my little Princess dreams big and I know that her dreams and desire to spread kindness and help others is something that will inspire others and help her to accomplish big things in her life.
How do you help your Princess dream big?
Stay Happy! Stay Informed!
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