DIY Easy Jack-O-Lantern Felt Play Set

In Cooking & Crafting by Jen

My youngest daughter loves felt play sets. Over the years we have created pizza felt kits and ice cream felt kits for her as they help to entertain and keep her quiet for times like when we are at church or elsewhere. Last week on a quick stop at our local craft store she zeroed in on the Fall colored felt and she decided that the pieces would be perfect for making pumpkins. Taking a good cue when I saw one, I quickly snatched some of it up and told her we could get to work creating our own Jack-O-Lantern Felt Play Set!

Make your own Jack-O-Lantern felt set for creative play! #kids #learning #halloweencrafts

It is seriously the easiest thing to make some of these cute pumpkins. All you need is some felt, a large pumpkin cookie cutter, a good pair of scissors, and your imagination.

Make your own Jack-O-Lantern felt set for creative play! #kids #learning #halloweencrafts

My pumpkin cookie cutter is literally a decade old, but it still does the trick and gets used year after year for crafting and cookies. To begin your pumpkin felt base, lay out your orange felt piece and trace a pumpkin.

Make your own Jack-O-Lantern felt set for creative play! #kids #learning #halloweencrafts

Cut out the pumpkin and then start using your imagination to create as many different pumpkin features as you would like. Think spooky smiles or circle eyes. Triangle noses and even square features.

Make your own Jack-O-Lantern felt set for creative play! #kids #learning #halloweencrafts

We even created a moon, some spooky clouds and leaves that she could use with this set.

Make your own Jack-O-Lantern felt set for creative play! #kids #learning #halloweencrafts

Make your own Jack-O-Lantern felt set for creative play! #kids #learning #halloweencrafts

Isn’t this a super easy and not-so-spooky fun activity for little learners?! Our set is already well loved and I heard rumor last night that the pumpkins might be needing some costumes…..

Make your own Jack-O-Lantern felt set for creative play! #kids #learning #halloweencrafts

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