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Here in the hot sunny desert of Southern Arizona we take full advantage of the cooler summer evenings. Once the blaring sun has set my backyard is primed and ready for impromptu gatherings, sprinkler-fests and more.
One of the things you may not know about me is that I am cheap. Not in the sense I won’t spend money, but just that I like to create things for my home that look more expensive than they actually are. I am excited to share one of those “cheaper but fancy looking” projects with all of you.
Outdoor lighting is one of the things I use to help set the perfect outdoor summer evening environment, and so take a look at these outdoor “Americana” lanterns that I made entirely with supplies from the Dollar Tree!
Like I mentioned, absolutely everything for these lantern lights came from the Dollar Tree. In fact, the idea and purchases for it were kind of spur-of-the-moment as I was at the Dollar Tree shopping for summer crafting items for my children. I knew though when I saw those hanging mason jars that they would be a perfect addition to our backyard summer-time decorations.
These lanterns can be hung up on a porch or balcony. They can also be used on tables, walls or along walk-ways and backyard paths. Here is everything you need to make them.
Hanging mason jars or regular mason jars from the Dollar Tree
A small package of colored sand. I used sparkly white, but there were plenty of colors to chose from.
Decorative burlap ribbon
Tea lights-LED or regular version
Glue gun
Add in about a 1/4 cup of sand to your mason jar. I did this step first so I could gauge where I wanted the ribbon and candle to be. I wanted the light to be muted and also wanted the ribbon to cover most of the actual candle.
Next take your ribbon and measure around the outside of the jar so that it fits one time completely enough so that you can glue the two ends in a closed loop on the back of the jar.
Now you can add in your light. There are a couple of options for this. If you are worried about fire hazards or have young children the LED lights might be the best choice for you.
I used both options and liked the look with both of them. So really either candle you chose is a win-win!
See how easy it was to make these cute lanterns?!
I put them out last night and loved how they looked.
Happy Summering and thanks for popping in!