If you are a new visitor to JENerally Informed let me take a minute to introduce myself. Hi my name is Jen and I LOVE donuts! A lot. For the rest of you, I think you already know my affection for donuts, and I think you also know that I believe donuts should be easy and simple to pull together, …
DIY Stranger Things Tee Shirt
Unless, you have been living under a rock (which I have been prone to do myself a time or two) I think it is probably safe to say you have at least heard about the Netflix original show Stranger Things. Our family kind of loves it. And we are excitedly awaiting the 3rd installment to hit the Netflix airwaves this …
Easy Homemade Butter Beer
During the summer months our family likes to plan a few fun themed days. The decision was made that this summer one of the days should be all about Harry Potter. My son CREATED a really fun “D & D esque” game that allowed us to actually be sorted into houses and then have a magical adventure. Seriously, there is …
It’s Back To School We Go!
This summer was glorious. It was just the right mix of busy with enough lazy days to make you ready for something more. But today our summer officially ended and I sent my last baby off to school. P.S. I didn’t even cry. My teenage daughter thought I would, but nope. My littlest was too excited to go to school …
Dairy Free Peach Smoothie Pop
Over the past year, our family has begun implementing some changes in how we eat as a way to not only live a more balanced and healthy lifestyle but also to help my oldest daughter Sam feel the best she can with some dietary concerns that needed to be remedied. If you are an old-time JENerally Informed reader, don’t be …
Deliciously Easy Orange Creamsicle Fruit Dip Made With Essential Oils
You might have noticed it’s been a tad quiet around here the last little bit. The JENerally Informed clan was off on a grand tour. We drove our car across hundreds of miles, several states, dipped our toes in the Colorado River, rode horses and ATV’s, watched fireworks, saw concerts and pretty much did it all. I missed all of …
Easy Donut Headband
This post contains affiliate links. by clicking and purchasing from these links, I receive a small commission. I feel like donuts are a pathway to a form of higher enlightenment. OK, OK maybe that is reaching a little too deep, but seriously whoever eats a donut and says, “man donuts really suck!” If you have ever said that, then you …
Easy & Magical Unicorn Cupcakes
This post contains Amazon Affiliate links. By clicking and purchasing from any of these links you are supporting JENerally Informed. Thank you! Anneliese my five year old daughter is way into unicorns right now. She asked me the other day if we could take a trip to where they live so we could see a real one. Ummmm… I wasn’t …
FREE Summer Printable
This post uses affiliate links. By clicking and purchasing from them you help to support JENerally Informed! Back when I started blogging I remember one of the first posts I read on a fellow blogger’s site was about a free photo editing online program called PicMonkey. I checked it out for myself and signed up that day for the free …
Easy Red White And Boom Ice Cream Sandwiches
There might be some readers who think my brand of ready-made recipes borders on lazy, but as a blogger who has put some of those mouth watering recipes out into the Pinterest world I kind of know a little something more than just your causal Pinterest observer. Some of those picture-perfect recipes that state they are “SUPER easy” are more …
Easy Vegetarian Shakshuka
I give credit for this recipe to Netflix and more specifically to a show on Netflix that hooked my husband Jen’s Guy. The show is Somebody Feed Phil, who happens to be the creator of the widely popular TV show Everybody loves Raymond. Phil travels the globe eating every where he goes. My dream job! On one of Phil’s travels …
Five Minute Salsa
As a kid I learned the art of salsa making from the masters, my mother and Tias (Aunts). Interestingly, my father who was not Hispanic took to salsa making like a pro and ended up taking over the majority of salsa making as the years progressed. Each Hispanic family has their own favorite combo for making salsa, but I do …
Milk-Free Blueberry Lemon Donut Holes
This post contains affiliate links, by clicking and purchasing from them you are supporting JENerally Informed. Thank you! Recently I shared that my oldest daughter Samantha has transitioned away from dairy to almond milk. This change in her diet has made her feel tummy feel much better, and so I am trying to introduce a few new recipes into my …
The Newbie Vegetarian: Easy & Cheap Vegetarian Taco Boats
Ever since my oldest daughter Samantha had a flare-up from an auto immune disease we have been adjusting her diet to see if we could eliminate any foods that might be a trigger to her system. We have found out that dairy is one of those things that doesn’t work very well for her, and we also discovered she feels …