This summer was glorious. It was just the right mix of busy with enough lazy days to make you ready for something more. But today our summer officially ended and I sent my last baby off to school. P.S. I didn’t even cry. My teenage daughter thought I would, but nope. My littlest was too excited to go to school like a big kid. Check out how adorable she is! I think kindergarten suits her.
And of course equally fabulous, is her 5th grade sister! This girl is a beauty inside and out.
I really just kind of want to freeze them at this super cute and still little stage, because I know how fast it goes. And on that note, here are the older brother and sister who will both be high schoolers come Monday….
Anyways, today as I passed my younger children off to their amazing teachers I thought I really should give a little something to them to say thanks. So “tada”, here’s a brand new JENerallay Informed printable that you too can enjoy!
If you are still summering go ahead and enjoy one more lazy pool day for me. Anyways, thanks for stopping in and feel free to send a few donuts my way when science fair projects come due…..