We have already established my son’s love of Lego, but before this his first love was anything to do with trains. I have spent hours over his 9 year life span finding books online and in the library all about this beloved transportation choice. He can quote facts about trains that impress and astound.
He still loves trains and his goal in life is to become a millionaire early in life so he can pursue his dream of making model trains and inviting people to come and see his creations and be inspired. I seriously do not doubt he will do this.
If you have a little boy like me I know you are always on the hunt for good books. So today, I thought I would include some of his most favorite books about trains. He still owns these and still takes them out to read although now he has the model train builders 500 page guide as additional “light” reading.
Train Book Collage Compiled by JENerally Informed |
Here are the links to purchase these books:
The Little Red Caboose (Little Golden Book)
My Big Train Book (casebound) (My Big Board Books)
My Little Train
Shark vs. Train
Choo Choo
I’m Taking a Trip on My Train
Freight Train Board Book (Caldecott Collection)
All Aboard the Dinotrain
Stay Happy! Stay Informed!