Last year, right smack-dab in the middle of the pandemic, I had a graduating Senior who we still wanted to celebrate. She wasn’t going to be able to graduate the traditional way everyone else before her had, but that didn’t matter. We planned a drive-by party and made sure she had some fantastic grad cards that she could send out to announce her BIG day to friends and family.
I was a little scared about the whole announcement thing since I am from the “old days” where you had to buy one of the two designs the high school photo company offered. Luckily though, I found a pretty sweet secret for making the BEST announcement cards EVER, so never fear. I am here to help in case you are feeling a little worried too.
So if you too have a college or high school graduate that you would like to celebrate this year, here’s how to easily and amazingly crush the whole graduation announcement process!
Before purchasing my daughter’s cards, we hit the internet to search out some companies and get some ideas. Ultimately, we realized that we loved everything that Basic Invite had to offer as well as the ease of their website when designing and ordering.
We loved that Basic Invite offered almost Unlimited Colors. They are one of the few websites that allow you, the customer/designer, almost unlimited color options with instant previews online. Once you select a design, you can change the color of each element on the card. With over 180 colors to choose from, the invite is sure to be exactly how you want it. This is what sets Basic Invite apart from almost any other online stationery company.

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Also, did you know that Basic Invite is one of the few websites that allows customers to order a printed sample of their actual invitation or card before they place their final order? You can see the paper quality and how it will print, and make sure the card is perfect.
This is a pretty fantastic option for when you want to make sure your graduation party invitation or other announcement is perfect! Because since we can kind of party this year, at least party like it’s not 2020, we really should! So bring out those cards!
I also loved just how easy it was to create the perfect graduation announcement card that matched my daughter’s personality. We used one of Basic Invite’s ready-to-use templates and went to town! You can do this for your graduating college student as well with Basic Invite’s college graduation announcements template.
Looking for something more exciting than a basic white envelope? Basic Invite offers over 40 Different Colors of Envelopes. With so many options, you can make your envelope match the invitation in any way you want. All of the envelopes are peel and seal so they can be closed quickly and securely. Nice, right, because who wants to lick all of those envelopes anyways!
And as if all of the above isn’t awesome enough, Basic Invite offers an address capturing service. This means you can easily share a link on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, or any other social media to request your friend’s and family’s addresses. The addresses are stored in your account and can be selected during the design process. Basic Invite offers recipient address printing at no cost on all card orders. This is amazing!
Are you ready to crush your graduate’s announcement cards? Basic Invite is the way…. my young Padawan. I promise.
Make sure to use this coupon code and receive 15% off of your order! Coupon code: 15FF51
You can also connect with Basic Invite on social media: Facebook Pinterest Instagram Twitter!
Congratulations graduates! We are soooo proud of your accomplishments, now go out and crush it!
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