I was provided with purchase credits by Fashom towards clothing to facilitate this post. No other compensation was received.
Hi everybody! It’s me Sam, Jen’s daughter. Back to school shopping can be a big bummer. Driving from store to store and finding nothing you like is not my favorite thing. This year I tried something new though, and it made back to school shopping way easier and a lot more fun. I am excited to be guest posting my experience with a fashion styling line called Fashom, because I think you are really going to like it!
Fashom is an app and website styling service delivering personalized outfits—hand-selected by professional stylists—to your doorstep. I really like the story behind how the name came to be as well. CEO Mitali Saxena combined the words of two of her favorite things—fashion and ‘om,’ the sound of meditation—to make FASHOM. I am down with a name like that!
Let me show you how using Fashom works. The first step is to log onto the app/website and create an account and begin your first online styling session. Keep in mind your first styling session is free not your first clothing box. If you choose to continue with Fashom, each styling session is $15.00.
To start your styling session you need to create a log-in account. Then you fill out a questionnaire like form with some basic questions during which you are asked to select a series of outfits that most closely fit to your personal preferred clothing style. The whole online styling questionnaire/session took me about 20 minutes from creating my account to answering the questions.
You are also given the opportunity to have a live over the phone 15 minute video chat with your stylist. I chose that option, because I wanted to try it all! Before I exited out of my online styling session I registered for the over-the phone session at a time that would work for me. I received a confirmation notice with a link to click when it was time for my session that was scheduled out a few days. Here is a quick snap of my cute stylist and I chatting via Google Hangouts.
After we finished she said to be on the lookout for an email notice that would inform me my outfits had been selected. Sure enough in just a few days the email came. What I liked was that I could actually select the outfits prior to them being sent to me. I selected what I liked and within less than a week my outfits and pieces had arrived! Hooray!
Most Canadian drugstores offer free shipping. This implies that you will not have to deal with any unnecessary costs, while the prices will pleasantly surprise you;
What I loved right at first when I opened the box was that the outfits came wrapped so neatly and with an itemized invoice giving me the cost of each item. Keep in mind that you also get percentages off the clothing for keeping at least 3 of the items and then all 5 of the items.
Also included in the box is a pre-addressed envelope for returns. It really is such a simple process. So are you ready to see what I received and then kept?! Here are the 5 items I received.
And here I am in them! I had fun trying on the clothes, not taking the pictures though. Thanks Mom, but a future in modeling is not my thing.
Now onto what I kept. I have to say that at first I really did not like the dress when I saw it in the box, and then when I tried it on I really liked it! I also liked the light green Monaco shirt and the blue striped shirt. The gray shirt was pretty big on me. I liked the jeans, but I had a pair just like them already in my closet. So I decided to keep 3 of the five. Meaning I would get a 25% discount off of my items. I logged back into the app/website and selected the items I was keeping and what I was returning. Popped the return items into the pre-addressed envelope, and dropped it off at any mailing center. That was it. It was all pretty easy.
I would highly recommend using Fashom. It was fun and easy! Here are some take-aways though:
- Make sure to give clear instructions to your stylist about what you like and don’t like.
- If you don’t like anything selected for you make sure to say something before they mail out the package and your outfits to you. Then give your stylist a chance to try again.
- Make sure to follow the timeline. You have 3 to 5 days to return items before you are charged. They give you plenty of notice and email you reminders. Fashom will even give you an extension. Just make sure to pay attention to dates once you receive your outfits.
- There has been some confusion about people thinking their first box is free. It’s not. Your first styling session is free though!
My ultimate take-away though is you should try out Fashom. I was pleased with what I received, and I felt good about what I wore back to school this year.
Thanks for letting me try out your service Fashom!