Take a look at this picture of a much younger version of myself. This was taken shortly after my second child Caleb was born. When you look at the picture, maybe you see a young and happy new mom. I was that, but I also see one seriously tired women.
I loved my babies, but I know that I was personally woefully unprepared for those long wakeful nights that can last long well past the newborn baby stage. Not one of my babies were good sleepers. They took the art of wakefulness to a whole new level. One or two of them even decided that waking up every hour on the hour for months on end was a really good plan. But when you look at those faces…
Anyways, are you a mom or dad who can relate to that level of tiredness? I mean the kind of tired where you would be willing to do almost anything to get just a few hours of uninterrupted sleep? I was like that, so don’t feel bad if the answer to that question is yes. Many of us have been right there where you are. The whole, “sleep like a baby” phrase was created by someone who never understood how babies sleep!
So, are ready to get your baby and you sleeping better? Then boy oh boy do I have good news for you. Today I would like to introduce you to the Baby Sleep Site®!

The Baby Sleep Site has a lot to offer. From one on one help to a member area that is a fabulous resource for you to explore sleep coaching any time of the day or night, on your own when doing so works for you. The members area also includes access to all of The Baby Sleep Site’s ebooks plus other premium resources for babies and toddlers of all ages. There is so much good in there! Their Custom Baby and Toddler Sleep Schedule Maker is fabulous!
Members also have access to daily and weekly chats with sleep experts who offer personalized recommendations. I have sat in on a couple of chats and I have been super impressed by the information coming from them. Their experienced sleep consultants offer non-judgemental solutions in a way that fits your child’s personality and your parenting style.
If you are worried that something like this might be a luxury you can’t afford, go ahead and take a deep breath, because The Baby Sleep Site is absolutely a cost effective option for you! Starting at around $10 a month, getting a good night’s sleep, for your entire family, is just a few clicks away! Members also receive 20% off all personalized sleep consultation services as well as a discounted price on the Express Sleep Plan.
Why make it harder than it needs to be? The Baby Sleep Site has so many great resources to help you and your child get a good night’s sleep! This is something I definitely wish that overtired mom from a decade ago would have had.
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