As promised, here is the first of a two part debut for my Jen Nails It Pinterest Challenge. Where I promised to tackle the recreation of some “epic” Pinterest inspired projects.
After much discussion my family decided to have me recreate one of the many adorable baby photos you see on Pinterest.
Ensue the Drum-roll please……
Here is baby Anneliese and I Totally “NAILING” this cute pink Santa baby picture we found on Pinterest!
Uncanny how much the photos look identical right? Booyah, just call me the Pinterest master!
Now, as the second part of my Pinterest Challenge debut I will be recreating these cupcakes to celebrate Captain America 2 The Winter Soldier coming out in the next few weeks.
So check back on Tuesday to see how they turned out and feel free to comment below any other pin-worthy projects you would like to see me attempt.
Oh, and just so you don’t think Anneliese had a terrible day, here she is five minutes after the picture, sitting under an umbrella and reveling in our beautiful Southern AZ weather!
Stay Happy and Stay Informed!