Today I created magic, not the sort that would help me fly to far away lands or the kind of magic that can vanquish the villain.Today I created magic, not the sort that would help me fly to far away lands or the kind of magic that can vanquish the villain.
This kind of magic occurs only when you use your imagination.
My 6 year old daughter Rebekah and I created a fairy garden.
Creating A Fairy Garden
*Use what you have on hand and let your child be the designer. Perfection is overrated.
Most everything we used was already in our craft arsenal picked up from the bargain tubs at either Micheal’s or the Dollar Store.
As we built the garden my daughter and I imagined all of the parties and dances that the fairies would have in the garden. We wondered which type of fairies they would be and what kind of magic they would possess. Would their be any tricks performed within the fairy garden? The possibilities for magic were endless.
One of my female heroes, Marjorie Pay Hinckley said that when she passed from this life she wanted to show up with a smudge of peanut butter on her shirt from making sandwiches for a sick neighbors children, a little dirt under her fingernails from helping to weed someone’s garden and with children’s sticky kisses on her cheeks.
I want the same, but with many moments full of magic.
Stay Happy! Stay Informed!