Pumpkins, Nudists and Halloween 2016

In Motherhood, Parenting by Jen

I have to admit to sometimes being a bit of a Halloween scrooge, because after the over abundance of parties, trunk or treats and ALL of the obligations, I mean hoopla that precedes the big day, I am kind of done with the whole thing by the time Halloween actually gets here.

But this year actually was quite fun, because my 3 year old finally figured out the holiday that is Halloween. The last couple of years she had mostly been dragged along by her older brother and sisters, but this year she was soooo excited. I think besides the food, the best part of any holiday is seeing my children’s reactions to it.

So today, here is the JENerally Informed 2016 Halloween Recap!

Some of you may have amazing pumpkin carving skills. Sadly, I do not, but Jen’s Guy more than makes up in that department.

This year our 3 year old told her Daddy that the pumpkin had to be scary.

Here’s a  joke for you to use next year. You are welcome by the way…

Why did Dracula’s mother give him cough medicine?

Because he was having a coffin fit!

Ready for another one? Just say yes, OK.

Who won the skeleton beauty contest?
No body.

What would you call the ghost of a door-to-door salesman?

A dead ringer.

One more. What do skeletons always order at a restaurant?
Spare ribs!

P.S. The 70’s dress my teen is wearing, was my costume one year when I was about her age. Crazy!

She also had a full crew of M & M’s that went trick or treating with us. Cute!

Last Halloween thought for you before you go. Do you ever wonder if living in a nudist colony takes all the fun out of Halloween?

Well that’s all folks, hope you had a fantastic Halloween!




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Cialis Black
