I wouldn’t describe myself as a rebel, but I certainly enjoy doing my own thing, even if it is different from what everyone else is doing. This “rebellish” status I think also applies to my creative ventures and you will see why as this post progresses. Anyways, do you guys remember a few weeks ago when I shared the fantastic canvas art piece my husband pulled together for my daughter? It is seriously the coolest, and after it was completed I was once again, way impressed with my husband’s DIY skills.
When he was making one of the frames, he accidentally made a frame that was a tad too small for one of the canvas pieces, but his accident lead to a burst of decorating inspiration that I am super excited to share with all of you!
So what did I turn this simple wooden frame into? Check this out! Who needs a boring, old round door wreath when you can have this “square-tastic” creation!
Making this took me all of about 15 minutes and cost me a whopping 5 bucks! Way cheaper than any wreath I could have bought at the store. The best part is that anyone can pull something like this together by either making their own frame like my husband did or picking up an old picture frame at your local thrift shop.
I spray painted my frame white and so don’t let an off color picture frame scare you away. Just grab a can of spray paint and make it whatever color you want it to be. I chose white for my frame. Mostly because that was what was hanging out in my garage cupboards.
Then I made a visit to my local dollar store, because I am fancy cheap like that and grabbed all of the accessories I would need.
After about 15 minutes spent with a glue gun and a stapler the majority of my wreath was complete.
Well, almost. I thought it needed something to bling up the middle portion, so again, my handy dandy dollar store delivered for the win.
If you are wondering how to make easy peasey bows for your own decorating projects, check out this tutorial from my friend Ashley.
I hope you enjoyed this. Happy Fall!