Quick, easy, and delicious—these sugar cookies topped with no-bake cheesecake and cherry filling will have you hooked! Ready in 45 minutes! #ValentinesDay #NoBakeDesserts #SugarCookies #EasyBaking

Easy Cherry Cheesecake Cookies

In Cooking & Crafting by Jen

I love baking holiday-inspired dishes and sweet treats for my kids. It’s become a tradition to make Halloween-themed ‘spooky dogs,’ bunny treats, or whatever else my brain can dream up. The challenge, though, is that we’re always so busy. After a long 8- to 9-hour workday, school, etc., the last thing I want to do is spend another two hours in the kitchen. So, themed fun has to be quick, easy, and of course, delicious!

This past week, I finally caved and bought the viral no-bake cheesecake filling that comes in a tub. You can find it at any grocery store, and it’s pretty tasty! My girls even said we should always have some in the fridge from now on…

Once my tub of ready-made cheesecake was in hand, I quickly whipped up a batch of sugar cookies (you can grab my recipe here). Once the cookies had cooled, I spread a nice thick layer of the cheesecake filling on top, then drizzled a spoonful of canned cherry filling on top. Oh my gosh, it was so good, guys! And it literally only took about 45 minutes to make. If you want to shave even more time off, you could buy a tube of pre-made sugar cookie dough and use that instead. Either way, it’s going to taste amazing!

Quick, easy, and delicious—these sugar cookies topped with no-bake cheesecake and cherry filling will have you hooked! Ready in 45 minutes! #ValentinesDay #NoBakeDesserts #SugarCookies #EasyBaking


Quick, easy, and delicious—these sugar cookies topped with no-bake cheesecake and cherry filling will have you hooked! Ready in 45 minutes! #ValentinesDay #NoBakeDesserts #SugarCookies #EasyBaking

What you’ll need:

  • Sugar Cookies: You can use my recipe HERE or grab a tube of store-bought sugar cookie dough.
  • 1 tub of no-bake cheesecake filling: Easily found at any grocery store.
  • 1 can of fruit filling: I used cherry, but feel free to use any fruit topping you like.


Quick, easy, and delicious—these sugar cookies topped with no-bake cheesecake and cherry filling will have you hooked! Ready in 45 minutes! #ValentinesDay #NoBakeDesserts #SugarCookies #EasyBaking


Making them is a simple 3-step process:

  • Make your sugar cookies (use my recipe or store-bought dough).
  • Once the cookies have cooled, spread a generous layer of cheesecake filling.
  • Top with your fruit filling of choice (I used cherry, but any fruit works!).


Quick, easy, and delicious—these sugar cookies topped with no-bake cheesecake and cherry filling will have you hooked! Ready in 45 minutes! #ValentinesDay #NoBakeDesserts #SugarCookies #EasyBaking

And that’s all it takes to enjoy a yummy treat in less than an hour! Thanks so much for stopping by, and I hope you enjoyed this easy recipe. Wishing you lots of fun in the kitchen and plenty of love shared with those around you. Happy baking!



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