This week my 7-year-old daughter asked me to tell her some leprechaun and St. Patrick’s Day jokes. Um, hold on a minute, because I realized I actually didn’t know any!
So I hit the WWW and found these gems that I really just need to share with you in case your 7-year-old decides to ask you for some jokes too. Are you ready?? They are SUPER good :)
Why do people wear shamrocks on St. Patrick’s Day?
Because regular rocks are too heavy!
One wasn’t enough, right? Here is another one!
Why do leprechauns recycle?
Because they like to go green!
Alright, I bet you are just crying with mirth right now, but you stopped by to grab a copy of a super-duper cute, free printable, correct?! And “lucky” for you I have just the thing!
I feel like two jokes weren’t nearly enough…. here is one more!
Why do leprechauns hate running?
Because they’d rather jig than jog!
OK, no more I promise. Instead, how about you grab your St. Patrick’s Day Look & Find printable! Just click on THIS LINK or the image below and you are ready to go.
If you liked this post, you may want to check this post out as well!
Also, don’t forget to grab your bingo cards!
Thanks for stopping in and best wishes for a very lucky March!
Go ahead and share this post, you know you want to!