Thundercats HELLOOOOO!!!
Welcome to Mommy Reality Challenge 38!!!
Hosted by Jen from JENerally Informed and Celeste from Leapfrog and Lipgloss!
If this is your first time hearing about the Mommy Reality Challenge we are so glad you are joining this great community of moms who participate in our bi-weekly challenges that showcase all the fun, crazy, and sometimes overwhelming moments that are in every mom’s life!
Please don’t just read. This is an INTERACTIVE post! Come join in all the fun!
The Rules are Simple!
- We will announce the theme.
- You will write a post or take a pic, post it to the social media account of your choice with the hashtag #mommyreality and then link it up to this blog post!
- Then in two weeks, we will announce our favorites and award a meme to the winner. The winner can then co-host the next challenge with us!
Just a little background on how our challenges are selected- Jen and Celeste take turns writing the post and creating the winning meme from the last challenge.
This week it’s Celeste’s turn!
For the last challenge, Jen asked us to share what our kids were watching over and over again on the good ol’ Boob Tube.
To be honest, I thought it would be rather challenging to pick the winner this week. I mean, do I choose based upon if your kids and I have the same taste in shows? Like “Joan, your Susie-Q watches Caillou and Caillou sucks, so Susie-Q LOSES. So UNGGGG!” ???
But then I came upon a submission SO scary it made my teeth chatter. And I knew these kids had to win the Mommy Reality Summer Boob Tube Award:
So without further ado, the winner of Mommy Reality #37: Reel Life Real Time goes to…..
Echo from The Mad Mommy!
Okay, so Echo’s kiddos are totally adorable and not scary. It was the My Little Ponies charging the camera that gave me a jolt.
Echo’s kiddos are obsessed with My Little Pony. In fact, this obsession isn’t as rare as you’d think. You’ll want to pop over and check out her blog entry where she explains that there’s a whole MLP movement!
She’s right… if you’re a tad faint of heart or get confused easily, don’t dive in and Google on the Internet about this TOO too much, but there’s definitely a very active MLP subculture where even a lot of grown men admit to being fans… or “Bronies” and attend MLP conventions annually.
ANYWAY… Echo, thank you for your submission and we hope you join us in co-hosting again in two weeks!
Our runner-up for the challenge goes to Leslie from Pampers, Play Dates, and Parties.
It wasn’t so much that her photo was hilarious or original which is usually what we use as criteria to pick the winner, but Leslie wrote a post about a simple, yet, effective tactic to help bickering siblings narrow down what TV show to watch. I just wanted to shed some light on this since it’s summer vacation and there could be more bickering than normal going on up in our hizzies, so check it out!
👉 If you liked the winning meme, make sure to check out all of the other Mommy Reality winning memes on our tumblr page!
Special thanks to our fabulous Co-Host for this last challenge, Jessica from, Breaking the Momma Mold!
Now It’s time for a NEW Mommy Reality Challenge and Co-host!
Meet the Mommy Reality Team!
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Celeste from Leapfrog and Lipgloss:
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Welcome to our Co-Host this challenge!
Leslie from Pampers, Play Dates and Parties!
As a reminder Leslie, won the Buried Alive challenge:
Leslie is author and creator at the blog Pampers, Play Dates & Parties where she chronicles her life in the DC/Baltimore suburbs as a busy mom of two girls. She is passionate about food, wine, design and of course parties; and firmly believes that a little bit of fun can be found in even the most mundane of life’s moments. If you haven’t checked Leslie’s blog out before now, make sure you do right NOW!
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Now It’s Time For A NEW Challenge:
It’s SUMMER VACATION! Which means children-children everywhere!
Now as much as we love them…
Sometimes we have to admit…
At the end of the day, we parents can end up feeling just a wee bit spent!
Mommy Reality 38’s theme is… When the Kids Go To Bed!
So, remember, this is Celeste writing the post for this week! I want to know what’s the FIRST thing you do when your kids go to bed.
For me, usually the first thing I do is zone out for about 10-15 minutes and peruse reddit or another favorite site while stuffing my face with a snack. Sometimes a “secret” snack if the day’s been really quite hectic like this hidden stack of girl scout cookies. Then I wash my face, get something to drink and work on my blog.
Now it’s your turn to share! What’s the first thing you do when your kids go to bed?
You have 2 weeks to participate!
But don’t wait 2 weeks…
We get too antsy and want to hear from you sooner!
You can share the pic in a post or on your favorite social media outlet.
Don’t forget to grab our super-nifty button!
✔ *By submitting your pic, you are giving the Mommy Reality Team permission to use your photo to create a special silly meme for you if you win! :). If you win and you’re a blogger, you also have the opportunity to be our co-host!
✔ **The Mommy Reality team and our special co-host are VERY diligent in pinning, posting, and sharing the link-up participation every week, so make sure to follow us on our social media channels so you won’t miss out!
We encourage you to visit a couple other Mommy Reality participants in the link-up and leave meaningful comments! The best part of this link-up is that we’re a community of real moms with a sense of humor about ourselves!