The summer vacation from school comes to a screeching halt for our family starting next Thursday (yep 4 days from now) and although there have been good moments, truthfully I am not going to be sorry to see this summer go. It has been tough. I have felt at times like there wasn’t any more stretching that my already exhausted self could do.
So today I am going to share all that has been going on around here. The highs, the lows and the in between.
Growing Up
In May my oldest daughter Samantha graduated with honors from middle school. We are now looking the world of High School straight in the eye. Her father having been a teenage boy once with eyes on cute girls like his daughter is, feels fairly certain that these next few years might be payback for those teenage years.
I am sure there will be much to write about that little endeavor in the coming days….
In other growing up news, my newly minted 12 year old son Caleb has now moved onto the bold new world of middle school and 7th grade! How the heck did that all happen so fast? Wasn’t this just yesterday?
Here he is heading off this summer on his first EVER week-long Scouting expedition. It rained every day and he had to share his cabin with a really BIG wolf spider, but he seems to have come back no worse for the wear.
We Are The Champions
Well not me really, but my 8 year old daughter Rebekah and her softball team won her division championship.
It was all pretty exciting!
The Summer of The Cankle
Samantha went on a week long pioneer trek with our church youth group. I have received various reports back that this kid of mine is made of steel and that she was pretty much an iron lady during this week long experience. She pushed and pulled a handcart, helped others without a second thought and did it all with a very badly sprained ankle injury that she got somewhere along the trail. Now 2 months later it is no longer a cankle (although it was just that for a long time), but it is still not completely healed. Since she is made of steel, she does NOT let that stop her in the least. So maybe we have nothing to worry about our upcoming foray into High School?
The Summer Of Hospital Pictures
In early June my mother suffered a fairly significant stroke and as I look back at a lot of our major milestone pictures from this summer they have all happened in the hospital.
The hospital staff was amazing and with intensive therapy during her stay she made some tremendous progress. Every day is still a constant concern and we can’t be sure what tomorrow will bring, but we are happy to still have her with us.
There Has Been Ice Cream
There Has Been Rain
Summer in the Southern Arizona desert means monsoon season. Some of the rain storms can be so intense that they can cause some significant damage. This picture was taken after our trampoline was blown up onto our neighbor’s roof. The roof is OK. The trampoline, not so much. Oh well, Christmas is just around the corner and maybe Santa will bring us a new one!
Saying Goodbye
Last Thursday we had to say goodbye to our sweet Zoe Lou. This has not been easy and as I watched each family member give their tearful goodbyes, I just didn’t know what we would do without her. She was the first into our home sixteen years ago and has watched over and cared for every baby that came after her arrival. She was fearless in protecting her family and keeping us safe. It was heartwarming watching her nightly check ins to ensure that every one was where they should be. I still turn around expecting her to be right behind me, but she isn’t there and that void is something I think will be felt for quite a while.
Rest now sweet girl. Free from pain. We will love you forever.
This Smile
Even on some of the toughest days that this summer has had to throw at us, I have been blessed to have this smile directed my way. And it has made all the difference.
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