Yesterday I volunteered some time at the Kindergarten fall party with this cuteness. I can’t even…
This year Anneliese is way into all things Halloween. Not the spooky of course, she is more into the whole idea of getting bags of free candy as we attend all of the upcoming trunk-or-treats we have planned from now until forever…
Fellow parents, doesn’t the lead-up to Halloween kind of feel like that? Plus the lessons Halloween teaches our kids are kind of funny and of course worth a meme or two.
So, who’s ready for a brand new JENerally Informed printable?! You are all raising your hands right, because this one is super cute! Here is a little preview.
Visit here to print this PRINTABLE. Then throw it in a frame, and voila, you have a super easy and fabulous Halloween decoration ready to go! No need to say thank you, your pinning and sharing this image is welcome enough!
And back from the JENerallly Informed vaults is this gem. You can read it here.
Happy Halloweening!