Welcome to the Hundred And Ninety- Fourth Edition of The Happy Now Blog Link -Up! Hello and welcome! We are excited to have you join us! The Happy Now is a weekly link up of posts that have been posted on websites all around the web. If you are a blogger we would love to have you share …
Christmas I Spy
Merry almost Christmas friends! Our family’s lists to Santa have been delivered, parades have been attended, and many sweet treats ingested. Oh yes, and an ankle was twisted on the school play structure. No cast, but crutches for a while for that kid! I hope that your Holiday season, even amid the struggles and crazy is proving to have moments …
The Happy Now Blog Link- Up #193
Welcome to the Hundred And Ninety- Third Edition of The Happy Now Blog Link -Up! Hello and welcome! We are excited to have you join us! The Happy Now is a weekly link up of posts that have been posted on websites all around the web. If you are a blogger we would love to have you share …
Baked Eggnog Doughnuts
*This post contains affiliate links. By clicking and purchasing from these links I make a small commission. Thank you! Do you love eggnog? My family really loves that rich and delicious stuff! During the Holidays I try to keep it around for them to enjoy. This week as I was pouring a glass for my youngest daughter I had a …
The Happy Now Blog Link- Up #192
Welcome to the Hundred And Ninety- Second Edition of The Happy Now Blog Link -Up! Hello and welcome! We are excited to have you join us! The Happy Now is a weekly link up of posts that have been posted on websites all around the web. If you are a blogger we would love to have you share …
The 2019 NETFLIX & Amazon Prime Holiday Movie Watch List
This is the most wonderful month of the entire on-line streaming, and overall TV viewing month EVER! To celebrate this month I would like to start off with my own little version of Oh Christmas Tree…. that I changed up just a little bit. Oh December shows and movies! Oh December shows and movies! How lovely are your options! Today …
The Happy Now Blog Link- Up #191
Welcome to the Hundred And Ninety- First Edition of The Happy Now Blog Link -Up! Hello and welcome! We are excited to have you join us! The Happy Now is a weekly link up of posts that have been posted on websites all around the web. If you are a blogger we would love to have you share …
Gifts You Can Give Your Kids This Holiday That Don’t Cost Anything
This weekend I took my kids to decorate their Grandma’s bedroom for Christmas. My mom lives in a care home and is in end-stage heart failure. We aren’t sure at this point how much time we have with her. As I watched my kids excitedly decorate her room and show their Grandma all of the “treasures” they had brought to …
The Happy Now Blog Link- Up #190
Welcome to the Hundred And Ninetieth Edition of The Happy Now Blog Link -Up! Hello and welcome! We are excited to have you join us! The Happy Now is a weekly link up of posts that have been posted on websites all around the web. If you are a blogger we would love to have you share the …
Thanksgiving I Spy
I am so excited for Thanksgiving! I think it is my favorite holiday, because it is all about the food. There are no presents to wrap, no elaborate decorations to set-up. Just good friends and family with good food to be enjoyed. Thanksgiving often gets overlooked in the rush to welcome in the Christmas season, but today I am taking …
Deliciously Easy To Make Shrimp Boil Soup
*This Post contains Amazon links. Please note, as an affiliate marketer for them, clicking and purchasing from these links results in me making a small commission from this action. A favorite movie for my youngest daughter Anneliese is the Princess and the Frog. She has really found a kindred spirit in Tiana, and now after watching the movie too many …
The Happy Now Blog Link- Up #189
Welcome to the Hundred And Eighty-Ninth Edition of The Happy Now Blog Link -Up! Hello and welcome! We are excited to have you join us! The Happy Now is a weekly link up of posts that have been posted on websites all around the web. If you are a blogger we would love to have you share the …
Three MUST READ Books For Fall 2019
*This Post contains Amazon links. Please note, as an affiliate marketer for them, clicking and purchasing from these links results in me making a small commission from this action. I am drawn to books with strong females heroines, ones who through their struggles learn to overcome, and grow. These books I am sharing with you today have that and more. …
The Happy Now Blog Link- Up #188
Welcome to the Hundred And Eighty-Eighth Edition of The Happy Now Blog Link -Up! Hello and welcome! We are excited to have you join us! The Happy Now is a weekly link up of posts that have been posted on websites all around the web. If you are a blogger we would love to have you share the …