Welcome to the Two Hundred and Eighth Edition of The Happy Now Blog Link -Up! Hello and welcome! We are excited to have you join us! The Happy Now is a weekly link up of posts that have been posted on websites all around the web. If you are a blogger we would love to have you share …
Peach Strudel Muffins
Hi folks! How goes hunkering down? It has been rainy and blustery here in Southern Arizona and so we haven’t even been able to enjoy very much backyard playtime, but I have been baking! This week I whipped up a super yummy and simple to make strudel muffin that is made from fresh peaches. It got a double thumbs up …
The Happy Now Blog Link- Up #207
Welcome to the Two Hundred and Seventh Edition of The Happy Now Blog Link -Up! Hello and welcome! We are excited to have you join us! The Happy Now is a weekly link up of posts that have been posted on websites all around the web. If you are a blogger we would love to have you share …
Love and Service In Scary Times
I am a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. Within the Church we utilize volunteer member leaders, and members are given callings or assignments. Sometimes this can be at a larger global level or it can be right in our own neighborhoods and communities. My current assignment for the past 2 years has been that …
The Happy Now Blog Link- Up #206
Welcome to the Two Hundred and Sixth Edition of The Happy Now Blog Link -Up! Hello and welcome! We are excited to have you join us! The Happy Now is a weekly link up of posts that have been posted on websites all around the web. If you are a blogger we would love to have you share …
Lucky Pistachio Pudding Dessert
My youngest daughter Anneliese was born in the month of March and was asking me if we had a “lucky” kind of dessert she and I could whip up this month to celebrate her birthday and all things Irish. I laughed a little when she said this, because to me all desserts are lucky….. I did however, figure something out …
The Happy Now Blog Link- Up #205
Welcome to the Two Hundred and Fifth Edition of The Happy Now Blog Link -Up! Hello and welcome! We are excited to have you join us! The Happy Now is a weekly link up of posts that have been posted on websites all around the web. If you are a blogger we would love to have you share …
How Female to Female Aggression In The Work Place Is Hurting The Feminism Movement
Many of you might perhaps be unaware of this, but my “day” job is that of a public relations consultant. I have my own consulting firm and I work with several clients in order to help their companies and practices grow through strategic plans and through interior business modeling and development. All of that is fancy speak for this; I …
The Happy Now Blog Link- Up #204
Welcome to the Two Hundred and Fourth Edition of The Happy Now Blog Link -Up! Hello and welcome! We are excited to have you join us! The Happy Now is a weekly link up of posts that have been posted on websites all around the web. If you are a blogger we would love to have you share …
Five Essential Oil Products I Can’t Live Without
About a decade ago, before essential oils were really a mainstream thing, my mother-in-law signed on with a small start-up company called Young Living Essential Oils. At the time, I tried them a few times, mostly noncommittally, but not until about 8 years ago did I really get hooked on the benefits of oils. I am still all about utilizing …
The Happy Now Blog Link- Up #203
Welcome to the Two Hundred and Third Edition of The Happy Now Blog Link -Up! Hello and welcome! We are excited to have you join us! The Happy Now is a weekly link up of posts that have been posted on websites all around the web. If you are a blogger we would love to have you share …
FREE St. Patrick’s Day Bingo Card Printables
Every year as St. Patrick’s Day gets closer, my family enjoys celebrating our Irish heritage. In case you are wondering, we are Mexican, Irish, Danish and more! Isn’t cultural diversity a beautiful thing?! This year to celebrate St. Patrick’s Day, the JENerally Informed crew will have a few Irish themed dinner nights, complete with traditional Irish food tasting and some …
The Happy Now Blog Link- Up #202
Welcome to the Two Hundred and Second Edition of The Happy Now Blog Link -Up! Hello and welcome! We are excited to have you join us! The Happy Now is a weekly link up of posts that have been posted on websites all around the web. If you are a blogger we would love to have you share …
Lemon Blueberry Muffins
Last weekend two fun things happened. The first was that my daughter Rebekah was in a production of Shrek Jr. Here she is as the cutest blind mouse ever. The second fun thing was that on a quick stop into the grocery store I discovered that blueberries were on sale! Blueberries are a family favorite, and so I might have …