We have exactly 11 school days left until summer vacation in Southern Az , and my entire family, myself mostly included, are all so very ready for the blinking school year to end! Sometimes it feels like the month of May is akin to an endurance sprint that tests a parent’s stamina and willpower as we trudge our way through extra assignments, concerts, poems, tests, celebrations, performances, and all of the hoopla the end of the year brings with it. This morning I feel like I played off real “cool-like” the fact that all I had to send in my kid’s lunch boxes were crackers, cheese and yogurt.
Eleven more days people….
These cute pictures of my little girls are from last week’s dress out of uniform spirit week, which was all fun and games…. except for the daily mad-cap race every morning to try and figure out what my kids could wear to fit with the daily “spirit” theme. On day four of spirit week I was like, “Can we please just bring back uniforms??!!!”
Anyways, this morning on my almost daily jaunt to the grocery store to pick up something I had forgotten, like lunch food; two magical things happened. First, I came upon a package of Nutter Butter cookies. Second, as I looked at those Nutter Butters I realized I was in need of snacks for a get-together tonight! And so guess what I went and did?
I created a super fun little JENerally Informed spin on a classic summer-time recipe that literally takes less than 5 minutes to make!
Do you guys remember the gel shoes everyone was gaga over in the 80’s and early 90’s? Well that was the inspiration behind these cookies. Check out my fan-tabulous gel icing pen I used! Slapping that stuff on these Nutter Butter cookies almost made me want to run out and find jelly shoes for the whole family! I am sure the teen boy and Jen’s Guy would have JUST been thrilled with that!
To make these flip flop cookies you simply need to apply a little “V” at the top of the Nutter Butter with a gel icing pen. Then add a line right down the middle of your V. Lastly, you need to add some kind of a sprinkle shape to ornament your flip flop (I used butterflies because why not), and voila, you have a flip flop!
I am not kidding when I say these take only minutes to make. I made a cool 2 dozen in like 5 minutes. Then I placed those bad boys on a plate and went off to my event. Of course my ingenious cookies were heralded near and far at the party. I can still hear the cheering crowd. Or actually, maybe that is just Jen’s Guy munching on a Nutter Butter in the kitchen…..
I hope you guys enjoyed this recipe, and if you can, say a little prayer for me please? Because, although I did remember to buy bread for my kid’s lunches, I forgot to buy juice boxes. Good grief! Maybe I will just send the kids with lunch money for the next few days….