It has been truly amazing to see all across social media the #mommyreality hash being used this week. As women we have come together willing to share and encourage each other through our triumphs and some pretty hilarious meal time fails. All of which began with the best of intentions. You shared your saltine crackers for dinner, recipe disasters, happy cheese doodle faces, slurpy messes, a “pukegeddon”, secret ice cream stashes and much more. All of which have left a smile on many a face and lifted the spirits of quite a few. Thank you for supporting this important call to action. We hope you keep sharing!
The decision for which Mommy Reality meals was our favorite from this week ended up being a tough call with many great entries to choose from. Your meal time realities were all brilliant, perfect and completely relate-able to Moms everywhere. We loved them so much we made a collage of all the meal time mayhem we saw this week. Check it out at the bottom of the post, but there has to be a winner so here we go.
The winner is……..
Natasha from Tiny Tots Adventures with her daughter’s slurp-fest. What mother has not sat and watched with pride as her child mushed all their food together, mixed in water and then slurped it up? Bravo Tiny Tot, on a meal well done!
Honorable mention really needs to go to Sheri from When The Kids Go To Bed for the dessert that was never even seen by the children. Well played Mom!
Now for our third challenge, we would like to have you capture a “Moment of Trouble”.
Here’s an example from my own life to illustrate what we are looking for. This is my baby Anneliese getting caught pulling all of the computer cords out of the wall and then hitting her forehead on the computer desk on her way out. *Note- No children were seriously harmed in the taking of this photo :)
So link- up your posts, pictures and tweets sharing the trouble your children, pets, significant others and perhaps we ourselves even unwittingly cause in our lives.
We can’t wait to start seeing your captured real mom moments roll in!
Don’t forget to grab your Mommy Reality button!
Link-up your Mommy Moment of trouble here!
An Ode to your Real Mom Meals. Can You Just say EPIC!!
Feel free to share the Mommy Reality Meme as well!

Stay Happy! Stay Informed!