WOOWOO!!!! It’s our birthday! It’s our birthday!
Okay, so it’s not technically our birthday, but Mommy Reality turned “30 Challenges” today and we’re REALLY excited about this milestone!
Okay, so really we just found this Bad-motha Unicorn gif and we were dying for an excuse to use it.
So anyway, HI!!! Welcome!
If this is your first time hearing about the Mommy Reality Challenge we are so glad you are joining this great community of moms who participate in our bi-weekly challenges that showcase all the fun, crazy, and sometimes overwhelming moments that are in every mom’s life!
Please don’t just read. This is an INTERACTIVE post! Come join in all the fun!
The Rules are Simple!
- We will announce the theme.
- You will write a post or take a pic, post it to the social media account of your choice with the hashtag #mommyreality and then link it up to this blog post!
- Then in two weeks, we will announce our favorites and award a meme to the winner. The winner can then co-host the next challenge with us!
Just a little background on how our challenges are selected- Jen and Celeste take turns writing the post and creating the winning meme from the last challenge.
This time it’s Celeste’s turn to write the post!
Okay, last time, I promise.
For our last challenge, in honor of Valentine’s Day, Jen had us share what we love!
We saw touching stories and photos of kids, friends, families, partners… brownies!
And our winner of Mommy Reality Challenge 29: Share the Love is…
Gingi of Domestic Geek Girl!
Gingi shared with us her beautiful maternity photography session. Gingi, here is your meme, and we hope you join us in 2 weeks as our next Mommy Reality co-host!
Our runner-up position goes to Amy Lou from Adventures of Amy Lou!
In her post, Amy Lou lists off the things she’s in love with: Her family, the beach, fun nails, and she lets us all in on a very special secret of where to buy the best chocolates:
Thank you to all the participants and a special thank you to our awesome guest co-host: Rabia from The Lieber Family.
You can also check out all of the other Mommy Reality memes on our tumblr page.
Now It’s time for a NEW Mommy Reality Challenge and Co-host!
Meet the Mommy Reality Team!
Jen from JENerally Informed:
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Celeste from Leapfrog and Lipgloss:
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Welcome to our Co-Host!
Ray From BritishMumUSA!
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Ray was the winner of Mommy Reality Challenge #28: The Freaking Refrigerator.
Ray from BritishMumUSA writes about topics trending at the time, her family, their hobbies, things that drive her crazy (family) and other topics that energize her. She is an avid scuba diver, horse rider, reader and writer. She loves being British living in the USA! If you haven’t checked out Ray’s blog before now, then make sure you do!
Now it’s time for a NEW Challenge!
We’ve all got it… that ONE look we pull out when our kiddos are being extra EXTRA devilishly naughty.

(“Shame on you, Michelle! Kids like you who misbehave this badly wind up dropping out of school with a needle in their arm and a life on the STREETS!”)
Moms don’t actually even need to say anything when they pull out ‘Dat Look. When kids see it,they know they’ve pushed Mom’s wrong buttons. And perhaps they’re thinking, “Uh oh. I’m in for it now” and they usually apologize and quit misbehaving.
Haha… who are we kidding? Most of the time, when we pull out “‘Dat Look” it’s because something naughty is happening in a public place that’s extremely inconvenient to properly parent which in that case, our kids are thinking, “Uh oh. I’m in for it later. Better get all the naughtiness out while I have my freedom, BWAHAHAHA!”
Now It’s your turn to share!
Fellow Mommies, we would love to see you recreate ‘DAT Look. OR, if you catch yourself in the heat of doing ‘DAT Look, grab your phone and take a selfie. We haven’t done quite a challenge such as this one and it’d be a blast to put together a collage of a bunch of Mommy Reality “looks”.
You have 2 weeks to complete this challenge!
You can share what you love in a post or on your favorite social media outlet.
Don’t forget to grab our super-nifty button!
✔ *By submitting your pic, you are giving the Mommy Reality Team permission to use your photo to create a special silly meme for you if you win! :). If you win and you’re a blogger, you also have the to opportunity to be our co-host!
✔ **The Mommy Reality team and our special co-host are VERY diligent in pinning, posting, and sharing the link-up participation every week, so make sure to follow us on our social media channels so you won’t miss out!
We encourage you to visit a couple other Mommy Reality participants in the link-up and leave meaningful comments! The best part of this link-up is that we’re a community of real moms with a sense of humor about ourselves!