My youngest daughter Anneliese was born in the month of March and was asking me if we had a “lucky” kind of dessert she and I could whip up this month to celebrate her birthday and all things Irish. I laughed a little when she said this, because to me all desserts are lucky…..
I did however, figure something out that I could make which was super easy (like ridiculously easy) and also delicious, and I think you all are going to like it too! It has the busy mom stamp of approval, but is a fun and quick way to bring in a little St. Patrick’s Day “luck” to your next dessert experience.
How did I come upon this lucky dessert? Well, it’s quite simple. I grabbed these adorable seasonal sprinkles at my local craft store and also some instant boxes of pistachio pudding, and I was good to go! It was really that easy. Aren’t sprinkles an amazing creation?!
All you need is a few minutes and you and your peeps can be digging into this with gusto!
I hope you enjoyed this “lucky” dessert and I also hope that good luck may be your friend in whatever you do, and may trouble always be a stranger to you!