Maybe you feel this same way, but I am NOT sorry to say good bye to 2016 and to welcome in the unspoiled joy of 2017. I am kind of a believer in Feng Shui and there was just something about the numbers 2, 0, 1 and 6 that all mushed up together made them look like lumpy, runny mashed potatoes, which shouldn’t be possible, at least not at my table. It started bad, and promptly drove right into the ditch, never quite able to pull itself out.
I am not naive enough to believe that 2017 will be all candy and ice cream. In fact I know it will also contain brussel sprouts and kidney beans. There are a whole bunch of tough adult-ish things coming my way that I won’t be able to avoid, but I guess if I have to thank 2016 for anything, it would be the fact that it made me strong enough to face them. I am ready. I am stronger. I can do this.
So rather than making resolutions, because we all know how I feel about that; this year is going to be the year of refined strength. At least right now, when I need to be that way. I am sure as the year changes, it may need to be changed along with it. And that’s fine, because no one word can describe me or what is coming, but the mantra that will be playing in my head is pretty much, “Be Kind. Be Strong. Breathe Deeply. Love Fully. You’ve Got This.”
And now because I might need a little personal pep talk about my repeating mantra, I have created 3 new printables that will be tacked up right where I can see them. If you like them feel free to grab it, because it’s time to buckle up and get to business. Here we come 2017!
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