I am so very happy to have Leilani from Just a Touch Of Crazy Guest Posting over here at JENerally Informed today. Leilani is immensely talented, a fabulous photographer and has quickly become one of my best blogging buddies. Read her post and you will want to be her friend too!
One of my favorite hobbies is documenting the life of my little family through taking pictures. I’m a photographer. Kind of. Like a pretend photographer wanna-be. And so I take pictures and pictures and pictures of my little family. I probably drive everybody crazy with all the pictures I take of them. I am quickly filling up the computer with thousands and thousands of pictures.
But I love it. Because as we all know, life just zoooooooms by way too quickly. One minutes it’s December and the next minute it’s the middle of July and then summer is halfway over. And I can’t turn back time, but I can take pictures.
But here’s the thing. Life is not all smiling-pretty-because-we-all-love-each-other-sitting-in-a-bed-of-flowers.
So that’s why I love the Mommy Reality challenge over here at Jenerally Informed. Because it reminds us that real life moms work hard, and that their little bosses are demanding, whining, crying, sweet, dirty, boogery, cute, cuddly, monstery angels. Right?!
So I try really hard to document the great happy moments in life, as well as the great not so happy ones.
Because I don’t want to forget that sometimes the cute threesome that appears to play so well together-
Can suddenly turn into one little toddler who’s had way too much of her brothers’ attention in a matter of seconds.
My mommy reality is full of bumped heads,
And a three year old who plays lots of video games while sitting where I’ve told him not to sit too many times to count.
It’s a full of couch jumping,
and puddles that sometimes get fallen into.
I like being able to remember moments like these two together in the living room, so happy and content..
While their brother decided to strip down to his underwear and pitch a fit on his bed.
That is my reality.
It’s also pieces of apple left on the ugly green carpet I wish wish wish we could get rid of already.
My reality is that moment when the middle child and the new baby are both crying at the same time, and I have no idea what to do. So I take pictures of it. Because you know what? I want to remember this reality! I want to remember every wonderful, exhausting moment of it.
Sometimes our mommy realities will glide by smooth and sweet. We’ll have those blissful moments when all the kids are happy and the house is clean. But that will only last a second. Because in reality, most of mommy life consists of moments somewhere along the lines of a brother pouring sand all over his sister’s head.
And we really can’t do anything but sit back and take it all in. We can grab as many hugs and cuddles as we can and we can snap away, my friends. Because if you’re like me, you don’t want to miss a thing!
So thanks, Jen, for encouraging this Mommy Reality challenge and for having me on your blog!
I’d love for you to drop by Just A Touch of Crazy and connect! And if you liked this post, here are a few more you might like:
Sometimes moms say the darndest things, too
Sometimes I’m done, and sometimes I’m not
When I fail as being the kind of mom who never yells
4 things you should know about living with a three year old