If you are a new visitor to JENerally Informed let me take a minute to introduce myself. Hi my name is Jen and I LOVE donuts!
A lot.
For the rest of you, I think you already know my affection for donuts, and I think you also know that I believe donuts should be easy and simple to pull together, that way you can enjoy them better. Recently, I was thinking about some kid Halloween related food activities that were both easy (of course) and store bought, because with a Kindergartner in the house those things become important. I am happy to day those thoughts led to the creation of a new JENerally Informed donut that is pretty much going to take my daughter’s Kindergarten Halloween party by storm this year. I hope…..
Isn’t it spooky? Plus, you want to know the best part? It takes 5 minutes at the most to pull together, making it a perfect party craft for little fingers. Case in point, this little monster guy was made by 5 year old daughter. She loved the fact her monster had a spooky mouth. I do think I really have a winner activity here.
Halloween is one of my favorite holidays, because the messier it looks the better.
To make these monster donuts you need
1. pack of store bought cake donuts
2. Purple frosting
3. Candy google eyes
These are all things you can find at pretty much your neighborhood grocer, so easy-peasey right?!
Are you excited for Halloween or are you not quite feeling it yet? If you aren’t quite feeling it yet, here is another JENerally Informed creation that will take you just a few minutes to make.