2020 has been long, but it has also blurred together as we have careened back and forth experiencing and seeing things many of us never thought would happen this year. Let alone ever. But they did.
Call me naive, but I believe that many of us will come back from this year better people. Because even people I may not agree with on some things, I have also seen go and do kind and thoughtful things for neighbors and friends who were hurting. I believe our differences allow us to see need in our own unique ways, and because of our individuality, we each go about meeting these needs how we best see fit. I like that. Helping others doesn’t have to be a one size fits all kind of deal.
I also like that in the month of December, this last month of 2020 we can use the month as a way to “Light the World” rather than to just wait and count the minutes and days until this year is over. Because that’s the difference, if we actively take part in working to bring light to others and to our own little spaces, then there is more of it, and the darkness has less room to work in.
I am using this calendar as a prompt to help me find ways to Light The World or you can brainstorm with your own family a calendar for spreading light in a way that works for you! If you need some ideas please visit here.
This last week I sent my oldest daughter off on an 18 month mission for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. It was hard for me and our family.
She chose to do this, because she has a unique understanding of the dark, and how powerful the light is in our lives. She will be spending the next 18 months of her life serving others and helping to bring light to others. I am so proud of her and because of her example, I will continue to do my part here in my own little community to bring the light and drown out the darkness wherever I can.
I hope you can join me in sharing your light this Holiday season.
Hugs and love to all of you,
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