This week we are heading into some BIG milestones for our family, a kindergarten graduation and a graduation from elementary school.
First let’s talk about my kindergartener, Rebekah. I cannot believe that an entire school year has passed, It seems like just yesterday that I dropped her off for her first day of school.
Now she will be graduating kindergarten. Call me corny, sappy whatever you want, but having her moving onto a different grade brings me equal parts of happiness and sadness. Happiness because we survived her first year of real homework. Sometimes that was rough.
I love this little girl and having gone through the growing up process so far with her older sister and brother I hate to have her leave this golden period of her life and head into the murkier waters of older grades. Luckily, she has some good peeps backing her up in her older brother and sister.
Samantha, is also reaching an important milestone with her graduation from elementary school and entrance into Junior High-school. My first born is incredible. I have shared a little with you about her, but I cannot truly explain how amazing she is.
Three years ago we rushed her to a hospital to undergo painful testing as she had lost her eyesight. You can read the full story here. She endured this trial and the additional struggle of some permanent vision loss with strength and courage.
Samantha, since the day she was born prematurely and weighing only 5 lbs has been my hero. Over the years I have watched her grow and mature and turn into a beauty both inside and out.
Her graduation is a new and scary step for both of us. Being a mother of a tween/teen is different. Not bad just different. Your role changes and there is a lot more outside influences that can and will affect your child. My hope for her is that she will make wonderful friends who will lift her higher, that girls will be kind and she will avoid or just be able to ignore their sharp barbs, that boys will respect her and know that she is worthy of that respect. That she will never doubt her importance, purpose, beauty and divinity.

We survived some pretty big milestones this year so for now, I will enjoy the fact that my kids and I have the next 2 months together to swim, sun, play and get ready for all that this next year has to offer.
Stay Happy! Stay Informed!