My kids love the Angel Food Smoothie from Smoothie King, and truthfully, I kind of dig them too. The only problem is that to buy 5 plus smoothies is an investment, and so we get them as a treat every once in a while. This week my daughter was asking for one, but since we just had Christmas and spent the BIG bucks, I was like maybe I should finally figure out how to make one so I can make them at home all of the time!
I hit the internet and what I discovered was that the real Smoothie King Angel Food ingredients aren’t necessarily bad for you, but they don’t have all the power-house ingredients I like to put in smoothies for my kids. So I took a look at the original recipes that others were sharing on the internet, and did what I do best, adjust it to fit my family’s needs and budget!
Today, I am excited to share with you how you can make your own version of an Angel Food Smoothie at home!
The original Angel Food Smoothie uses strawberries, powdered milk, water, ice, vanilla, and turbinado raw sugar. That’s fine, but we use smoothies as a start the day kind of thing. I want as much good stuff in there as possible for my kids!
Instead of powdered milk, I use one scoop of Young Living Balance Complete. I LOVE the yummy vanilla creme flavor of Balance Complete, and also, that it is packed with so much good stuff. You could also substitute with a scoop of your favorite protein shake or even meal replacement powder, but if you are interested in learning more about Balance Complete let me know!
Here are the ingredients you need:
1 cup of frozen strawberries
1 to 1 1/2 cup(s) of milk or almond milk. I used both varieties and they both tasted really yummy!
1 banana. It does not need to be sliced
1/2 teaspoon vanilla
1 scoop Young Living Balance Complete
Blend all of that goodness together in a blender for about a minute and you have a delicious shake!
If you would like to see some other awesome smoothie recipes, visit my smoothie board on Pinterest!
Thanks for visiting JENerally Informed and happy New Year to you!
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