My family has been counting down the days until the release of the new Avenger’s movie Infinity Wars, and I thought it would be fun to pull out quotes from the movie franchise that have some serious life lesson applicability. So here we go, in no particular order, 7 quotes that are sure to make you smile and maybe even learn a little something…
Sometimes The Best Plan Is To Not Have One.
Captain America: Stark we need a plan of attack!
Tony Stark/Iron Man: I have a plan. Attack!
Even Superheroes Have Family Drama.
Bruce Banner/The Hulk: That man has a brain full of cats. You can smell crazy on him.
Thor: Have care of how you speak. Loki is beyond reason but he is of Asgard. And he is my brother.
Natasha Romanoff/Black Widow: He killed 80 people in two days.
Thor: He’s adopted
How To Avoid Relationship Problems.
Tony Stark/Iron Man: You know, I think we were having a moment.
Pepper Potts: I think I was having 12% of a moment.
About Proper Role Models.
Tony Stark: Jarvis, have you ever heard the tale of Jonah?
Jarvis: I wouldn’t consider him a role-model, sir.
Sometimes You Just Need To Rebel A Little Against Authority.
Nick Fury: I understand that the council has made a decision, but given that it’s a stupid-ass decision, I’ve chosen to ignore it!
How To Really Save The Earth.
Tony Stark: If we can’t protect the Earth, you can be damn sure we’ll avenge it.
It’s OK To Not Have All Of The Answers.
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