Hi there and welcome to JENerally Informed! 

My name is Jen and I am an empath mom, the author of The Practically Perfect Princess, and a PR ninja!

That is my fancy way of saying that I have a degree in Public Relations and have been lucky enough to have had some experiences beyond my wildest imaginations because of my education and a lot of elbow grease. I have hosted some pretty amazing people at events for thousands, sat in meetings that kind of blew my mind, and helped to launch some great people’s careers. Someday I’ll have to share some stories with you about driving around with some of these big name people in my Cheerio encrusted minivan. Or the time I signed a copy of my book for a nurse while delivering a baby. Thereby truly solidifying the moniker I gave myself, Queen Mom Jen.

My 4 children and my husband are the coolest people! They keep me insanely busy, but happy. My husband, who is known over here as Jen’s Guy, is a frequent contributor with his Man-day posts.

My hope is that JENerally Informed can become a place for all of us to connect, learn, and laugh. If there is something you want to talk about or even see me feature I would love to have you send me an email at jen@practicallyperfectprincess.com.

If you are a brand I would love to connect with you and use my PR ninja skills to help you grow.

Before you go, please consider subscribing to my email list and make sure to become my friend on any of the awesome buttons the hubs so handily affixed to the top of my blog so you don’t miss out on any JENerally Informed goodness!


Stay Happy and Stay Informed!

