Hi everyone! This week my oldest daughter comes home for Thanksgiving from college and she asked if we can decorate for Christmas together while she is here this week. She has been gone the last 2 Christmases serving an 18-month Spanish-speaking mission in Houston Texas for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, and she wants to do all of the things she missed for the last few years.
We still have one kiddo who won’t be home this Christmas as he will be celebrating in the state of Louisiana where he is serving a two-year mission. But at least I will take three of the four here and I pray that the people in Louisiana and his Father in Heaven will take good care of my son while he is so far away from home this Christmas.
Anyways, you came here to learn how to make an easy Christmas-themed pillow. My husband says I might be slightly addicted to pillows, and I think it is true. Making themed pillows to throw on your couch or bed for the holidays is such an easy thing to do. Plus, blank canvas pillows can be grabbed so cheaply almost anywhere. The decorated ones are more spendy, so try making your own and save the BIG bucks!
You need only 5 things to make this cute pillow!
-Holiday-themed/ Christmas fabric scraps
-Solid- colored pillow
-A good pair of scissors
-Fabric glue
– A Christmas Tree Pattern
Here are the patterns for the larger and the smaller tree. Just click and print!
Once you have your patterns, you can decide on placement and how many trees you want. You can definitely place them anywhere you want or add more trees depending on the size of your pillow. I went with one big tree, flanked by 2 small trees in different colors, but you don’t have to do that now that you have the pattern. You can create as many as you want!
After you have cut your trees out and have a general plan for the placement of the tree, you can glue on the trees. Just make sure that you solidly glue the edges. I use a toothpick to make sure I get all of the edges glued down, and voila, you have a cute pillow in less than 30 minutes! I made this one with my younger daughter while we watched the new Disenchated movie on Disney+. Both the movie and the pillow turned out super cute!
Before you go, you may want to check out these other easy-to-make crafts.
Thanks for stopping in and happy Holiday-ing!
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