I have always wanted to make a rag wreath. They are super cute and there is something cathartic sounding about taking old pieces of fabric you weren’t using and turning them into something new and pretty. In fact, my 7-year-old daughter was so on-board with this project that she helped from start to finish!
Hopefully, that tells you how easy it really is to make one of these! She and I sat with a cutting board and watched a movie, chatted and crafted. It was pretty awesome.
Here are all of the materials you will need. I used some fabric squares I had picked up for .15 cents each at one time and so this whole project was less than 7 bucks!
My daughter and I cut the fabric squares from the longest part of each square in about 1 1/2 inch thick pieces and then we (mostly she) cut each of those long pieces again in half and tied the scraps on. I kind of just sat and supervised :) Then in kind of a rotating pattern, we tied the fabric strips onto one of the different wire portions of the wreath.
Easy-peasy right?! Plus super cute!
Thanks for stopping in and happy Spring!
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