Having your home smell nice for the holidays is one of those things we all want right? Sometimes with dogs, partners, other family members, and kids running amok that might get a little difficult. But what if I told you that I had a recipe for the easiest to make “Pot-Pourri” ever that can make your house smell like Christmas heaven. I am not joking guys. I just put on a pot of it and my kids are gathered around the stove singing Yuletide Carols of old and holding hands.
Ok, maybe that is a little bit of an exaggeration, but the smell is definitely a winner!
This is so very easy to make and you need only a handful of ingredients:
2 to 3 slices of lemons and oranges
2 sticks of cinnamon
5 to 6 cloves- This is about a pinch of cloves
1 bay leaf
Once you have your ingredients gathered and sliced, place them in a small pot and cover with water. Simmer on low on your stovetop for about 15 to 20 minutes and then turn it off and let the heavenly smell waft through your house! I just had my oldest daughter come out and say the smell was so good it distracted her from learning. Ha, told you it is good!
The great part is that you can use this over and over again for about 2 to 3 days and then make up a new batch to brew!
Happy Holidays Friends!
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