Welcome to a new edition of Mommy Reality!
If you are new to the Mommy Reality Challenge we are so glad to have you joining us!
The Mommy Reality Challenge is a way for us Moms to share the real in our lives and be proud about it.
This week Celeste asked us to share the last thing we spent money on. Celeste proudly displayed her Happy Meal purchases for her girls and Jen displayed her lack of domestic ability by sharing this week’s purchases of stain removers and oven cleaner after she caught her oven on fire while making a birthday cake for her daughter! Nice!
We also saw a cute little round table that went right back to the store, home decor purchases, Halloween goodies and more! It really is quite amazing what Mom’s buy in a week’s time! Thanks to this last week’s special co-hosts the ladies at Just A Touch of Crazy for joining us as we watched the #mommyreality purchases come rolling in!
Now to award this week’s Mommy Reality Challenge #16 Winner!!
Our winning picture comes via Facebook from Janine of Encourage Play for the very nicely detailed pictures of her shopping trip for their family’s first cousin sleepover! We were glad to see all of those healthy snacks for the children alongside the adult bottle of ” big people elixir” that might be needed to calm parental nerves as the night progressed.
Our runner up goes to Farrah the Reflective Mama for her truthful concession via Instagram that our dreams of well designed homes frequently get pushed to the side and more often than not instead become giant play zones for our children.
Thanks to these ladies for linking up and to all of our wonderful Moms who participate in the Mommy Reality challenge every week!
Here is your meme Janine and since you’re the winner, you now have the opportunity to join the Mommy Reality team by co-hosting next week’s Challenge! We hope you’ll accept!
Time for the next challenge!
(Visit the Mommy Reality tumblr page to see all of our previous memes!)
Meet the Mommy Reality Team!
Jen from JENerally Informed:
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Celeste from Leapfrog and Lipgloss:
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A few weeks ago we announced a change to our format! The winner of our Mommy Reality Challenge would get to join the Mommy Reality Team for the following week as our co-host!
Introducing this week’s co-host!
Echo From Domain Of The Mad Mommy
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As a reminder, Echo won the won the what Lies Beneath The Sofa Challenge.
Echo is great fun and has dubbed herself the queen of crazy as she “lost a bit of her mind years ago and then, lost the rest when she had children”! Her blog covers her life and a wide range of fabulous topics. If you haven’t visited her before, go now!
Our new Mommy Reality Challenge Theme: “How many pillows are REALLY on your bed?”
A little insider-scoop about how the Mommy Reality Challenge posts work; Celeste and Jen each alternate writing it every week and then pass the HTML code for the post to the other person and the special co-host so everybody can post on their blogs at the same time each Friday morning. The person who writes the post for the week also picks the theme and puts a little example photo on the post.
Well, it is Jen’s turn this week, and this theme is inspired by a conversation she and her husband had this week after Jen bought a “few” new pillows.
It goes as follows:
Jensguy: Wait, what’s with all the pillows?
Jen: It’s what big people do with their bed.
Jensguy: There’s like 9 pillows. . .Do you plan on company?
Well, a week later I had to let him know that there were RULES for each pillow. . .
Anyway, we want to know how many pillows YOU have on your bed as this seems to be a phenomenon that affects men and women everywhere.
Don’t Forget! If you’re sharing your photos via social media, make sure to include the #mommyreality hashtag so we can find you and come back and link your picture up here so everyone can share in the goodness!
Don’t forget to grab our super-nifty button!
✔ *By submitting your pic, you are giving the Mommy Reality Team permission to use your photo to create a special silly meme for you if you win! :). If you win, you also have the to opportunity to be our co-host!
✔ **The Mommy Reality team and our special co-host are VERY diligent in pinning, posting, and sharing the link-up participation every week, so make sure to follow us on our social media channels so you won’t miss out!
We encourage you to visit a couple other Mommy Reality participants in the link-up and leave meaningful comments! The best part of this link-up is that we’re a community of real moms with a sense of humor about ourselves!